Every now and then, we need a new way of looking at things. Because the world still needs changing.
(See, Christianity and Feminism can agree on something...)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Recipe Swap

Do you have certain go-to recipes - ones that just keep on giving?  Of course you do.  Not necessarily gourmet but good.

Long ago, a friend gave me a recipe for Lentil Tacos.  We ate them at her house, I asked for the recipe, she shared it.  And I've not only made them countless times since, but I've also shared that recipe more times than I can remember.  It is inexpensive, simple, and my whole family will eat it.  It was our gateway recipe to beans.  (Before that, Jeff would look at a bean dish and then ask "Where's the meat?!")

I love this about women.  Around the globe, most of us are still primarily responsible for feeding our people.  Sometimes it is a dreaded task to rush home and throw something together, but the best times are when we can find joy in the job.  Recipe sharing sort of capitalizes on what's good about women and cooking.  We stand together in solidarity and support for one another.  We want to help one another, make each other's lives better.  We want to share a part of ourselves with other women.

I love it when someone will post on my facebook page "I made Tiff's granola today." Or when a friend mentions that she made my pumpkin bread recipe and thought of me.  Because I understand that thread of connection; I thought of Carly last week when I brought her chicken strawberry salad to a get-together.

So for today, we will be like a lot of other women's blogs out there and we will do recipe talk.  I give you Lentil Tacos.  (Feel free to post one of your go-to recipes in the comments). Know that this can be played with quite a bit.  All except the liquid-to-beans ratio.  Don't mess with that.  But you can adjust seasonings or use vegetable broth or use whatever taco fixings you want.

1 cup finely chopped onion
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 tsp canola oil
1 cup dried lentils
1 Tbsp chili powder
2 tsp cumin
1 tsp oregano
2 1/2 cups chicken broth

Saute onion and garlic in oil until tender.  Add lentils and spices and cook and stir a minute.  Add broth.  Bring to boil.  Reduce heat and simmer 30 min. (or until soft). Take cover off, mash, and cook 6-8 min. to thicken.  Stir in salsa.  Use as taco filling.


  1. I love lentil tacos! I also love that I'm not the only one who doesn't always relish the idea of feeding my family. Like you said, sometimes it's joy. Lots of times, not so much. And, I totally love the connection of shared recipes. I have to think about a recipe to share.

  2. Um - how about those granola bars that have literally become a staple at my house?! :)

  3. Yay for lentil tacos! I've made them several times and passed along the recipe as well.
