Every now and then, we need a new way of looking at things. Because the world still needs changing.
(See, Christianity and Feminism can agree on something...)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Break Up Letter

Dear Writer’s Block,
It’s not you, it’s me.  
You have been so accommodating, really.  You’ve tolerated my strays into the arms of Blogging with so much patience, welcoming me back every time.  You made life very comfortable and safe for me.
But you see, that’s part of the problem.  I’ve realized that I need to pursue, to dream, and to take chances.  In our relationship, I have let that part of me lie neglected and languishing.  I know you many not understand this, but if I stay with you, I will eventually be mourning the loss of that self. 
I am writing this letter to say that it is time for us to go our separate ways. This must be a total break.  I am sorry.  We cannot be friends, because I fear that we will again fall into an easy pattern of you letting me have little affairs here and there with the likes of Term Papers.  Please don’t try to contact me. It’s better for both of us this way.  My heart is not really with you, and I cannot be what you want me to be.
I was going to write a piece about how humans seek safety, but really, what is accomplished by being safe?  I was going to talk about how Aslan was not a safe lion and how well-behaved women rarely change history, but how can I do that when I am playing it safe myself?  How hypocritical to encourage my friends to be brave while I sit afraid to make changes. 
This may really hurt you, but I thought it would be less painful if you heard it from me instead of through the grapevine.  Once a week, I plan to have a date with Short Stories (from Given Prompts, in Writer’s Digest - you have met a few times).  This is very public, and we will be seen regularly in Ourselves, Reinvented. I’m sorry.  It is what I think I need to get me on my feet. 
I hope you find someone else soon.  Maybe someone like J.K. Rowling?  She might be ready to settle down.  It won’t take you long - you can be very engaging.  

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