Every now and then, we need a new way of looking at things. Because the world still needs changing.
(See, Christianity and Feminism can agree on something...)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


What are you going to do today?

There are probably a few givens, like going to work or taking care of your children.  But there are some choices.  To work out or not to work out? To cook or eat out? This evening: knit, play Wii with the kids, clean the bathroom, or work on that ginormous essay exam hanging over your head?

You probably aren't waking up as a slave in a brothel, then.

Today I am taking my children on an outing. Not to be sold away from me.  My kids will be engaging in activities that feed their soul and imaginations, not rob their innocence and steal their soul.  If you have kids, I imagine they are going to school or day care or hanging out with you. The alternative situation is unthinkable.  Your mind probably won't even let you picture it.  Mine won't - it literally shuts out the thoughts.

As you go through your day making choices today, is there a choice you can make to stand up for injustice? To affirm another human being's worth?


  1. Thank you for posting this. I was actually just lamenting and dreading the choices we have to make as this baby's arrival approaches; where to live, work, what to buy, cut back. Your post reminded me that the choices are a blessing - a sign that my husband and I live freely. And as many things are there are to worry about with a baby coming, I haven't once worried that my baby will grow up and be taken into slavery.

  2. Wow! Great post today Tiff. Seriously, it totally shuts out the thoughts for me too. My heart aches in my chest.
